Thursday, November 12, 2009


Good thing I don't mind showing off my nee-nee to everyone on campus as I walk to and from work in my super-blowy skirt in 20 mph winds. That would be really embarrassing. I sure am glad that I don't care if the whole of BYU-Idaho faculty and student population saw my rear when the wind blew my skirt up five different times today. Because I am pretty sure I would die of shame. If I cared that is.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The G-Man turns one year older

Happy Birthday to the best father ever! And I really mean it. He is the best at everything he does. Here is a short & incomplete list of his absolute amazing-ness...

1. He can flip his eye-lids inside out.
2. We never need a mechanic, electrician, home-builder, landscaper, or computer tech with him around.
3. He makes really good shish-ka-bobs.
4. He is the best provider ever.
5. He is a great motivator.
6. There is no better listener then him!
7. His advice would give Dr. Phil a run for his money.
8. He is worthy to hold the priesthood.
9. He loves and honors my mom.

I could go on all night but I won't. Because I should actually be doing my English homework at this moment. But Happy Birthday dad...

You make me proud to be your daughter!

It's the simple life baby

Some people wonder why I have chosen to live in Idaho. My answer for them?

1. Scenery
2. People

I don't think I will ever be able to leave. Sorry mom.