Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween!!!

I really do love Halloween. Or at least I used to, because when I turned 15 it became uncool to dress up as a witch or a zombie without adding the word "sexy" in front of it. You know, sexy bumblebee, sexy pirate, sexy minnie mouse, sexy nun, etc. You all have seen that scene from the movie "Mean Girls" where the girl shows up to the high school party in a dead bride costume and was humiliated? Yeah I had one of those experiences too, and it taught me that I no longer had any right to celebrate Halloween.

However, this semester I have been blessed with roommates who like to act as ridiculously as I do and so we decided to dress up for our Halloween party. And we weren't gonna be sexy pioneers or anything like that. We decided to dress up like the family we have become...Grandpa Eugene, Grandma Eunice, Mama Peggy, Daddy Carl, and little Kelli & Raymond. We had a cat too but she got sick and couldn't go. We went all out for this thing, curlers in our hair, fake staches, blacked out teeth, big booties, the whole nine yards. And we looked just as ridiculous as we had imagined. But it was FUN! We got weird looks and didn't win any costume prize. But it was FUN! Dressing up for Halloween became cool again (well no we were actually very far from cool but...FUN!). Enjoy the pics and make yourself look like an idiot will be glad you did :)

The Isha men...Eugene, Carl, & Raymond

The Isha women...Eunice, Peggy, & Kelli

Grandma Eunice w/ her cakes

The whole Family together

Mom and Dad sharing a moment

Eunice helping Eugene eat his chili

Jackie bobbin' for apples...this is how swine flu is spread p.s.

Grandma & Grandpa eatin' some donuts

Cuttin' a Rug

The whole extended Fam

Somehow Dad's costume turned in a Lester costume...she looked like she was fresh outta jail & ready to be-friend some little boys.

So it was only natural to take a pic like this...
Can you spy the creeper? 


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ode to the Utah Poof

We have all seen them. The ridiculously ratted mess sitting on top of someone's head, desperately hidden beneath a thin layer of smooth hair. The Utah poof. Like the swine flu, it is sweeping across the Rexburg plains causing vomiting and hallucinations. It is moving up to the "hair-don'ts" right next to a comb-over and permed bangs. I know there are some people who can pull of this very well. 
Case and point: My sister Ali. 

She has mastered the way of the comb and it looks good.
But then there are those girls you see who take it a little too far, they got a little to excited with the comb and the hairspray. This artwork done by me and roommates is dedicated to you, keep your wrists strong and your combs stronger. May your hair always be ratted and never stand any less than 3 inches above your head. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lisa's Very Bad Day

I have been going through a "poor me" month. You know, thats when you realize your fat, lonely, old, bored, poor, & worthless all at the same time. I keep waiting for the kick in the pants that will get me going again but its not coming. So I am going to take the advice of countless mormons before me & count my many blessings. And pleeeeease let this be what I need to get me out of this funk. 

1. My Family

2. BYU-Idaho

3. My Job

4. My Roommates

5. My Friends

6. Beautiful Idaho

7. My Lazy Fall Days

8. My Awesome Bishopric & Ward

9. My Testimony

10. Old Bluey

11. My Laptop

12. This video that makes me laugh at the most inappropriate times (usually during sacrament meeting)

13. This Delicious Meal I Made Today:

(its an omelet in case you were wondering)

I don't think my plan worked. On to Plan B--watching DWTS & drinking a Coke. Hey maybe I will make it a party & throw in some Peanut M&M's. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Roommate Love <3 <3 <3

I haven't ever been a big supporter of roommate bonding, especially with almost 5 years of college & numerous roommate switches under my belt. But these recent roommies have found a way to unfreeze this grinch heart & have made the first few weeks of the Fall Semester so much fun. 

This weekend we had our first "roommate date" which included a rodeo, a waffle breakfast, roommie pics & a straw maze.

The rodeo was actually one meant for students who have always wanted to bull-ride but don't want to die. So they had little bulls that mainly just ran around. But there were some near trampled-incidents so it was still exciting. It was Taiwanese Sandy's first rodeo ever & her reactions varied from laughing at the mutton-busters to crying for the calves that were roped. Watching her was almost as good as watching the rodeo.

And of course no rodeo would be complete without these:

I want this shirt almost as badly as I want to know why this guy is wearing it...

And your homework for tonight is:
1. Read or listen to Dallin H. Oaks BYU-Idaho Devotional Talk here
2. Read my sister's blog (even though it is cuter then mine) here

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ok. I am going to try REALLY hard not to get preachy here but I feel like I have to say it. I have looked at a lot of blogs lately with the vast majority of them being to married women. And when there is one for a single person they always preface it like this...

"So I know single people shouldn't have these..." or "I was going to wait until I was married but since this hasn't happened yet..."

And for some reason this really bugs me. I mean, I am embarrassed that I have a blog whether I am single or married but I guess I didn't know that the right to have a blog only comes when you are married. Is that part of the wedding vow? You promise to have and to hold and to blog?
I guess it kind of bothers me because I feel like it fits into the whole "your life doesn't count until your married" atmosphere that exists around here. Back in AZ, I hardly thought about it but here in Rexburg you are lucky if you can get through 5 minutes without marriage being brought up some way or another. Please don't get me wrong, I LOVE my married friends & their blogs are amazing. They are the ones who got me into this whole blogging thing because their blogs are so darn cute! But I feel like life is pretty good for me too and I would love to share that with you guys through my blog! 

So Ali, my dear loud and be proud about your blog! you are welcome.

In other news...please tell me I am not the only person in the world who loves DWTS (yeah I abbreviate it now. Me & Dancing With the Stars are Pretty Tight). I have a new fave. It's Chelsie Hightower and snowboarder Louie Vito. They are just too darn cute. And their little number last monday was showing some definite sexual tension...I mean come one, look at this picture.


Can I just say I would love to be on DWTS if I could look like that. To use my dad's fave phrase...YOWZA!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Here comes the snow

Yes, it is that time again...sweaters, scarves, gloves, hats, scraping ice off your car, etc. In other words, winter has arrived early in Rexburg. 

We were supposed to have relatively nice Fall weather but this last weekend brought in 20-30 degree weather and snow. And while I know that it probably will warm up again briefly in the next couple of weeks, I recognize this as the beginning of the end. 

Rexburg Idaho has a mathematical equation that is used in the winter:

    +       = 

For those of you who have had trouble with math like I have I will simplify it for you- 
below zero temps + tornado strength winds= Rexburg Idaho from December-April!

Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of me in Idaho during the winter because a) I had no friends last semester and b) I rarely went outside for anything but school. But just imagine me being something like this:

Despite all this...I am also excited for winter because it means this:


And this...

I guess thats the trade-off, horribly cold weather for the best three months of the year!