After last nights excitement with the spider I did some internet searches for dangerous spiders that live in Idaho and one of them that kept coming up is the hobo spider, an aggressive little guy that is kind of like the brown recluse. Apparently everyone in Idaho knows and fears these spiders because when I told my Korean roommate I had just killed a spider she started speaking in broken English and the only word I could catch was "hobo, hobo!" After several other friends and co-workers warned me of this deadly spider I decided to do the best thing I could...I consulted with an expert. And in this case, the most expert person I know on anything nature is my wonderful brother Axel. I called him and asked him if he knew what a hobo spider was and he proceeded to talk to me and guide me through everything hobo for the next 30 minutes. And at that end of the conversation he gave me the best advice he could, "pray every night and be careful." Besides an unfortunate run in with a lizard and a jellyfish, Axel loves everything about nature and is literally a nature encyclopedia. So this post is for Ax man-may you always keep that fearlessness and love for animals and insects alike and I really hope you get that nature-ologist photographer job you have always wanted!
Oops! This last one is of Amy and it really shows off her love for the lady bug on her are welcome Amy.
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